Winner of the “Website of the Year” special award in 2021: outstanding result from the AP4 Team

Winner of the “Website of the Year” special award in 2021: outstanding result from the AP4 Team

In this project, our team designed, developed and developed the UX/UI design of the UNIX Car webshop. In the webshop you can buy millions of automotive products and parts for almost every vehicle.

Web development
Automotive industry
In this project, our goal is to create an aesthetic, user-friendly and functionally high-quality website, where it is possible to purchase millions of automotive products, car, truck and motorcycle parts.
The software development team at AP4 Digital placed great emphasis on UX/UI design during the development of the UNIX Automotive webshop, i.e. aesthetic and user-friendly design. This was followed by the development of the webshop, where it is possible to buy millions of car parts and vehicle parts. Users visiting the webshop have a wide range of passenger, cargo and engine parts. Users have the option to select the manufacturer, model, engine, vintage and build, and then the system extracts possible hits, which can also be further filtered by model, production period, engine code, power and chassis code. And after selecting the right vehicle, you can easily choose between the parts by indicating the product names and main product groups. Our users have the opportunity to quickly place the selected product in the shopping cart and easily make the online payment at the end of the purchase.
Our team achieved an outstanding result with the UNIX Car webshop project. In 2021, we won the special website of the year award, which confirms the success of our aesthetic, easy-to-use and functionally high-quality webshop. The result is an online platform that allows users to browse and shop for millions of auto parts easily. High level functionality was at the heart of our developments and we are proud to have created an online store with an excellent customer experience that helps users find and buy the parts they are looking for. Technologies used during the project: Angular

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