Easy appointment booking and fast credit card payment in our webshop


Easy appointment booking and fast credit card payment in our webshop

Our team embarked on an exciting project during the design and implementation of the Swiss Medical Hungary Zrt. online booking system. We have developed a webshop and online appointment system that allows users to book appointments for various specialist appointments, where they can choose the right doctor and location. After booking, users also have the option of instant payment by bank card.

Web development
The software development team at AP4 Digital has worked to create a fast and stable user-friendly website that allows registered users to book appointments on various specialist orders, as well as easily arrange fees for services through the online system.
After designing the database, our team created a user-friendly frontend that allows you to register and log in. We have developed a dynamic appointment system that displays medical services, specialist services, doctors, as well as doctors' free appointments. During the booking, you can also choose the specialty, the specific service and the language spoken by the doctor. Thanks to the online payment integration, it is easy to arrange the services related to the booked appointments. We have created an administration interface to manage services and users. During testing, we focused on optimizing stability and speed.
As a result, we have created a website that offers our registered users the opportunity to book appointments for specialist orders. Users can easily browse the available times and office locations for each doctor when booking an appointment. After they have found and booked a date that suits them, we also provide the possibility of paying online for the services you have placed in the basket on the website. Users can easily edit their own main profile on the interface and add other profiles. Administrators are provided with a web admin interface where they can easily manage the display of services and administer users. Technologies used in the project: PHP, Vue.js

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