During our project, we developed a web furniture design application that allows users coming to the website to conveniently assemble their own custom furniture configuration on a single screen. The application presents a user-assembled furniture structure on a 3D-like surface displayed at a specified angle. The planned configuration can be easily exported from the system.
Our goal is to create a modern and attractive online design interface for our clients. During the project, the AP4 Digital team focused on making it easy and intuitive to design your own furniture from the available products.
During the development of the Modulo furniture design application, we first created a modern and attractive online design interface. The focus of the development was a simple and intuitive furniture configuration for users, which can be conveniently assembled on a single screen. The application presents the planned furniture structure on a 3D-like surface displayed at a specified angle, optimizing visualization. Based on the prepared plan, we indicated a recommended gross consumer price and provided an opportunity to request a quote from the nearest resellers.
The AP4 Digital team has successfully created an easy-to-use functional system that allows users to customize their furniture. The planned configuration can be easily exported from the system, allowing users to further use, share or order. The end result is a user-friendly website that helps customers design their custom furniture and contributes to making furniture that is effortless and personalized. Technologies used in the project: PHP, Vue.js
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