July 16, 2024
Mobile app development
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FerroApp, or 2-in-1 application development for four wheels and between the four walls

In the life of AP4 DIGITAL, it is always a great honor when a company that has been successful for several decades comes to us to create something truly unique in the field of application development. This was also the case with Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft., which has a 30-year history, which is the big guns of transport not only at home but also internationally. Read more, in this article we will unveil the Ferroapp and the associated backend system, which currently facilitates the work of a team of almost 200 people every day.

About Ferro-Sped

Ferro-Sped 2000 Ltd. has been a family business since its foundation in 1989. The company, which now operates with second-generation management, more than 130 vehicle assemblies and 30 subcontractors, approached the AP4 team with the need to develop a special android application in order to replace the existing CMR system.

It has become timely to develop a unique app around the house of Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft. because

● in addition to the domestic market, they are already engaged in international transport, the documentation of which requires a high level of data protection and special forms,

● need to add more and more traditional transportation jobs to the system,

● they also wanted to be more transparent in the administration of escort services, oversized deliveries, warehousing and service processes,

● in addition to the work of drivers on the road, they also wanted to manage the tasks of damage administrators, transport organizers and service administrators related to trucks on a single interface,

● Streamlining work at work has also become an urgent need.

Purpose of the development of the FerroApp application

The aim of the project was to replace the previously used CMR system by developing a new personalised app. This was necessary not only because of the international expansion of Ferro-Sped 2000, but also because of the special complexity of the task in the sector, since no ready-made system was found that would facilitate the daily work of both drivers in the field and administrators operating within the walls of the office.

The development of the application was carried out jointly with the customer, with constant consultation and validation. During the implementation of the project, the AP4 DIGITAL team had to find a solution to the shortcomings of the previous system, including the administration of logistics processes from two sides, maximum transparency, the possibility of quick feedback and ease of management for both parties.

Of course, personalized app development for a company of this size no longer just simplifies the work. The change was also justified by the fact that the key data of the transport organization and employees existed safely, exclusively in the system managed by Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft. This also avoids the subsequent loss of data.

How does FerroApp work?

A FerroApp android applicationThe main focus of its development was to ensure that the finished app effectively supports the daily work of drivers.

Drivers on the move all the time via the app

● see the shipments assigned to them and their data,

● document the current transport,

● after receiving the documents, the work is set to a closed status,

● they can carry their own documents digitally (e.g. driver's license, photo ID, contract),

● record reports and photos of accidents or damage to goods.

While drivers need Ferroapp on the go, of course work also takes place in the office. The AP4 DIGITAL team, in addition to the development of the application, is with a unique web interface (hereinafter referred to as “WebAdmin”)assisted in carrying out administrative tasks, as well as receiving and managing documents.

The WebAdmin interface is actually FerroApp's backend system, which, unlike the old CMR, also provides the ability to add, modify and delete users within an office.

In addition to FerroApp, the new WebAdmin greatly speeds up everyday work, because

● personal documents can be accessed in a few clicks

● the necessary information and attachments related to transport can be sent to drivers from a single interface,

● store documents submitted by drivers and sealed shipments,

● from here you can initiate actions related to accident and damage reports,

● leave requests are approved on this interface.

Introduction and everyday use of FerroApp

Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft. quickly “sealed” the finished product. This was not difficult either, since the AP4 team not only developed the application, but also easy to understand and transparent for drivers and administrators user manualsincluded for both surfaces.

Thanks to the 2-in-1 solution, both the FerroApp and the WebAdmin system, created with custom application development, support special filtering optionsand creating groups. Drivers and administrators in direct form, closed chatThey can communicate with each other.

The annual reports to be prepared and the updating of indicative statistics posted on Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft.'s own website are based on the data collected in the WebAdmin interface exportsthey help.

Do you have a good idea for developing an app? Request an appointment for your free consultation within 48 hours.

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