July 16, 2024
Web development
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How to develop a custom web application at AP4 Digital

The adoption of PWAs with innovative features (i.e. progressive web applications) is a cost-effective solution for businesses that want a tool that is more interactive than websites but faster to reach than native applications to promote their services. Read on, we show you how custom web application development takes place at AP4 Digital.

1. Precise targeting of a unique web application

Custom web applications run on a web server instead of the user's device, so to use them, it is enough to open a browser. A lightning fast accessIn addition to the huge advantage of their loading speed is also fasterand even offline modeThey can also be operated.

Custom web application development is a good choice if you conversion booststeel, because presenting the product range and services with spectacular visual elements can even encourage visitors to buy.

Communicate with B2B partners about increasing efficiency or the potential about customer entertainment, at AP4 Digital we work together with the client from the start of the project, so we start designing the unique web application only knowing the exact requirements and goals of the client.

2. Preparation of a draft specification for the web application

After the company's overall business model and all workflows have been mapped, it is recorded in detail what steps follow each other in the development of a unique web application.

Knowing the main challenges, the Appz4 development team and the customer decide together on the strategy to develop the web application. For this, we usually recommend the agile methodology, because the development of the unique web application takes place in small groups, so that the first finished iteration can be learned earlier.

The huge advantage of agile custom web application development is that in case of any changes, it is not necessary to redesign the entire product, but only to overwrite the most recent iteration. In addition, along the Scrum system, the customer is also a full-fledged team member, because he has the opportunity to make suggestions at any time during the work.

3. Custom web application development

We are at the customer's disposal during the entire period of individual web application development, so the work can proceed in the most coordinated form possible.

Efficient feedback and quick changes are guaranteed at AP4 Digital because

● control is carried out using modern project tracking tools,

● the customer is informed about the development of the unique web application in a frequent and detailed report,

● several communication channels (chat, online conference call, personal meetings, e-mail) are available to the client,

● a dedicated contact person is responsible for the fluidity of the joint work.

If the custom web application is built as a trendy PWA, the frontend and backend areas can be developed independently and then linked via an API connection. This is good because even a possible overload of the background system can not spoil the user experience.

4. Cost optimization with custom web application

If the company deals with various fields of activity or e-commerce, the unique web application brings together the different digital channels in a single platform.

Moreover, with a unique web application, it is possible to avoid the need to develop the same page separately for each operating system, device or browser, because the PWA will run smoothly even on the spectacular kiosks and smart TVs exhibited in the shops.

5. Basic testing of a custom web application

Just like software development or native mobile apps, Appz4 believes in custom web application development in every detail testing.

The most important steps in the test process are:

● running the unique web application on different devices,

● checking compatibility with browsers,

● try out extra features similar to mobile apps (e.g. camera and microphone control, storage availability, sending push messages)

In addition, we constantly review the load capacity of the individual web application, because with the right advertising strategy and the possible involvement of our expert colleagues in SEO and online marketing, the customer can expect many visitors from the start.

6. Sharpening your custom web application

Regardless of whether it is a custom web application with a B2B or B2C focus, we at Appz4 provide continuous support after sharpening on demand. Due to the flexibility of the unique code, updates tailored to the growth of the company can also be completed in a short time.

On request, custom web application development can be boosted with special cybersecurity tools, so that the leakage or deletion of company, customer and transaction data can also be effectively prevented.

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