July 16, 2024
Software Development
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5 business processes that an ERP system makes more transparent

A custom ERP tailored to a company not only helps to organize and schedule employees, but also makes many business processes more transparent for old and new colleagues. Lesen Sie, in den Artikel weiterungen werden die ErP-utvikling kan maken mehr effektivt en så profitabilitet.


1. Up-to-date information on procurement

It is important that your ERP implementation has a goal that provides measurable business benefits. A strategic launch can be, for example, a simplification and acceleration of procurement processes, because they provide almost immediate feedback on the smooth operation of the company's processes.

Con el desarrollo ERP, el sistema puede optimiza el sistema completo del processo de procureção

● stores customer-supplier data in one place,

● helps to find suitable delivery partners,

● immediately and accurately shows the inventory requirements for factory production,

● enables precise planning of the factory production process,

● supporta i attività organizativi di logisticians con dati aggiornati,

● fornisce l'aggiornamento di feedback per la produzione di fabbrica al ricevuto dei parti necessari,

● Analysing inventory data,

● track the status of orders,

● automatic confirmations,

● se puede usar con el trabajo de MEO (i.e., Departamento de control de calidad),

● verificare l'authenticità di conti incomenti.

In addition, ERPs combined with machine learning are also capable of predictive weight loss prediction, and therefore also guarantee that the capital invested in products will not “get stuck” in unpopular and less consumable items.

1. Precisely planned production processes

El mayor avantaja de ERP en la produkció es que le permite la gestion de materiales más efficace. ERP development is especially useful for large international companies, because in a modern cloud-based software, domestic production can keep up to date, in real time, even overseas needs.


In addition, a module for ERP production also shows how effective the currently used system is. For example, if production deadlines are difficult to keep even with planning, this is just one of the telltale signs that the company needs a more modern ERP.

2. Transparent and predictable financial information

A custom-developed ERP with a built-in invoicing program minimizes the potential for errors in data entry and thus significantly simplifies the process of fulfilling orders. This is good because a faster transaction is processed and invoiced, the sooner the company can get the revenue from it.

ERP development, for example, can also automate accounting. In addition to managing the general ledger, the software also helps with receivables management and, on demand, also generates financial reports that are capable of reducing financial risks.

3. More efficient customer service and customer support

The Desarrollo ERP personalizzatoIt is also useful for the company because with its introduction, full business intelligence will be available to an employee with all access in one place.

A l'advantage de un ERP avec un module de servicio al cliente es que

● Collects incoming questions from all communication channels,

● Distinguish cases by open, pending and closed statuses,

● fornisce facile ricerca,

● Colleagues can also look back at conversations.

When the customer service question arrives, you can find the information you need to answer it in just a few clicks in your ERP. Therefore, matters can be resolved faster and a satisfied customer will be more likely to recommend the service to others.

4. Customer-centric CRM processes to support sales

It is also worth operating a CRM module within the ERP system, because it not only simplifies the work of customer service, but also manages all customer relationship functions and information in one.

The CRM module replaces a multitude of spreadsheets and applications, because

● contains the data of all partners and customers associated with the company,

● gathers existing customer service problems in a control panel,

● document the activities of team members,

● supporta i procesori di vendita con dati accurati,

● renders the handling of recurring orders more efficient,

● with analytical functions to help you make decisions.

Moreover, a CRM system integrated into the ERP also helps to find, reach and become a customer, because many marketing functions (e.g. social media ad manager) can be integrated into the individual development.


At AP4 Digital, we have many years of experience to help you build an ERP system that is perfectly tailored to your company's business processes.

Request an appointment for a free consultationHERE”

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