July 16, 2024
Software Development
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5 tips to get the maximum return on implementing an ERP system

An ERP system implementation is a complex process, the cost of which is influenced by many factors, from overtime spent on design, to construction, to upgrades and the purchase of hardware. Read on, in this article we will give you 5 tips with which even projects with tens of millions can get the maximum return.

1. Determine the success criteria for ERP system implementation

Before implementing a new ERP system, the most important task as a company manager is to set realistic goals. This is most accurately achieved with specific indicators, so it is worth associating exact metrics with each success criterion.

ERP system implementation can be a success criterion

● speeding up the completion time of a particular workflow,

● percentage increase in the company's revenues,

● reducing the number of complaints,

● any other measurable goal.

Objective success criteria not only make the need to implement an ERP system more understandable to employees, but also act as an incentive for developers, because on the basis of detailed documentation, the success of the project can also be clearly demonstrated.

Moreover, properly thought-out success criteria also help to ensure that the implementation of an ERP system fully pays back its price. We can talk about payback when the revenue from the software exceeds the total amount of the investment.

2. Match the possibilities of ERP system implementation with realistic needs

The Diversified MI Solutionseven in an SME environment, they may be attractive to implement an ERP system, but for cost efficiency reasons it is important that only automations that can be linked to specific tasks are included in the system.

It is worth associating a work process already carried out with all future ERP functions at the planning stage, because this way you can return the investment sooner without unnecessary extras.

3. Start planning before contracting

Before the company signs up with the perfect partner for it, the blogs of the development companies can be a good starting point, because from the writings of experts not only The most common challenges and solutions of ERP system implementation, but the working methods used by the team can also be learned.

Once you have found a reliable team of developers, you can start working together. The best chance of getting a maximum return on an ERP system is when the in the structure of modules, from third parties software integrationand In the design of UI/UX interfacesin addition to developers, the principal and key people appointed by him are involved.

At AP4 Digital, not only in the technical implementation of the ERP system implementation, but also in the stable in the formation of a cost planWe are also happy to help. This is good because the project will surely adapt to the financial resources of the company and thus the uncontrolled expansion of expectations can be kept under control.

4. Educate all employees

For maximum return on ERP system implementation, it is essential that employees are familiar with the software and enjoy using it.

With the right education, even initially skeptical colleagues will be more supportive of the ERP system implementation, because they will not have to replace their existing Excel spreadsheets and Word documents overnight.

The AP4 DIGITAL team supports the training with continuous testing facilities during the implementation and in a detailed personal or e-learning form before the implementation of the ERP system. The resulting knowledge can be easily incorporated into onboarding processes, so new colleagues can quickly catch up with the performance of experienced team members.

5. Do not forget about the follow-up of the ERP system

Some companies no longer deal with measuring results after the introduction of an ERP system. This is problematic because software payback is heavily skewed if post-sharpening support and expansion costs are not documented.

At AP4 Digital, we pay special attention to process measurement and reporting from the developer and operator side. For the most efficient operation and full return on demand, the success of the ERP system is monitored by continuous audit even after implementation and based on the results we even carry out short-term updates.


At AP4 Digital, we have years of ERP system implementation experience to help you maximize the return on your new software.

Request an appointment for a free consultation HERE”

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