July 16, 2024
Software Development
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5 signs that your company needs an ERP system

ERPs are software for companies that significantly improve the efficiency of organizations with tens or even more than 100 people. This is because the introduction of such a company management system is intended not only for data storage and transmission, but also, thanks to its speed and effective decision management qualities, it can even increase revenues. Read on, we show you which are the 5 telltale signs that clearly urge you to implement an ERP system for your company.

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What is an ERP system?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are enterprise management software that manages all business processes in real time, in an integrated manner. They store all the important data of the organization in one place and make the information necessary for work available at the enterprise level.

Database of a well-chosen ERP system

  • stores data generated in different organizational units in a uniform form accessible to anyone (and preferably from anywhere),
  • is constantly updated, thereby significantly accelerating the internal flow of information,
  • is based on accurate data and information, therefore it not only speeds up the work of decision makers, but also establishes a foundation,
  • brings a development-oriented approach to the life of the company, with which management can react more quickly to changes in the market.

Although the implementation of ERP systems is a process of several months, just like in the case of building a house, here too it is worth choosing the right basics instead of quick solutions. Whether it is a transition from physical documents or an ERP exchange, if it is possible to timely detect problems that indicate the need for implementation, thanks to automations, it will not only be possible to significantly speed up the company's work processes, but will also lay the foundation for the future success of the company.

1. The flow of information is slow and often inaccurate

Emails that never reach their destination? Chaos about replacing a colleague on leave? Stressful work atmosphere? More office space with millions of folders and sheets of paper? If you have one of these problems (or even several) that you often encounter, then it is definitely time to implement an ERP system.

In an ERP adapted to the needs of the organization, the data and documents necessary for everyday work are available to everyone in an accessible and systematized form, moreover, all this without unnecessary contact.

Because in a super-structured ERP, most of the time it takes just two clicks to get the information that colleagues need, the time spent so far aimless data mining can be spent performing more important tasks and making informed decisions.

Although moving data and setting up functions even in a boxed system is time-consuming and requires special human resources, choosing a custom-developed AP4 ERP system will make the lengthy implementation process more enjoyable. Our team with many years of experience helps the process of moving and training with reliable operation, continuous testing and efficient error correction by knowing the program code.

2. Difficult to retrieve and store too many documents

If speed and accuracy are the primary expectations for the company's operation, and the difficulty of retrievable documents is a constant topic in joint meetings with colleagues, then you can not wait any longer to implement the ERP system.

With a well-built ERP system, the digital office can be not only a future goal, but also an immediate and convenient solution for storing documents.

With a paperless office supported by an ERP system

  • it is possible to eliminate the endless search for documents accidentally landed in the trash or left with the partner,
  • an aesthetic, airy and at the same time more motivating work environment is created,
  • they will comply with the most modern environmental aspects to the maximum extent possible.

3. Even with planning, deadlines are difficult to keep

Accurate compliance with project deadlines is an integral part of the company's image. Although the most important aspect as a company manager is speed and timely delivery, if slips occur regularly, it does not necessarily indicate the incompetence of colleagues.

With the introduction of an ERP, work will be more organized, as each colleague will know exactly what their current task is, and for this, instead of time-consuming information hunting, they will find immediately available and retrievable data in the system. Moreover, these processes do not stop even when a person goes on vacation.

In a powerful ERP system, complex IT operations that took several days or even weeks before implementation can be performed and retrieved with just a few clicks. Thanks to automations, a fraction of the workforce assigned to the task will be able to perform several times the work in as much time as without a company management system. And greater efficiency will also lead to a clearly visible increase in returns on orders and invoices.

Choose a custom-developed ERP system for unique challenges

At AP4 Digital, we know that there is no single recipe for finding the right ERP system. Since the needs of enterprises vary depending on the industry and innovative nature, the development of custom software in each case begins with personal consultations.

After assessing the needs of the company, new sector-specific solutions can be added to the ERP. During the entire development process, as a customer, we provide you with a continuous opportunity for modifications and refinements.

On request, we also provide a functional first version (MVP, or Minimum Viable Product), which can also be tested by colleagues working in each field. One comment can give you more useful tips for implementing the perfect ERP system.

4. Faster and more accurate data on the operation of the company would be needed

For the future of your business and successful sales, it is crucial to see which processes are working well and which are working less well before making decisions. An ERP system performs all the detailed tasks of data collection and analysis instead of colleagues. Ready-made statements are available in a few clicks, which can then be effectively used in the short Monday morning meeting to identify the most important focus points for the week.

If you choose the ERP system developed individually by AP4 DIGITAL, you as a customer can completely individually customize what analytical aspects should be included in the finished product. In this way, the ERP will maximally support the work and future success of the team working in it.

5. You want to store your company data and information securely

Whether it is incoming and outgoing invoices, personal data of partners, employment contracts or process descriptions, data loss can be a real nightmare as a company manager and employee.

A modern ERP system can not only eliminate the destruction of physical documents in the event of waterlogging, fire or theft, but also take the burden of tasks associated with fixing system errors and continuous backup off the shoulders of colleagues.

Data security is the primary consideration when implementing ERP systems developed by AP4 DIGITAL. We place great emphasis on allocating privileges according to the company hierarchy, and we also prefer cloud-based solutions that are as up-to-date as possible during operation, accessible from anywhere and at any time, and provide approximately 99.5% annual availability.

Did you know yourself? It's time to implement an effective ERP system! Request an appointment, we will help you build a system that is perfectly tailored to your challenges!

Request an appointment for your free consultation within 48 hours HERE”

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