July 16, 2024
Software Development
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3+1 innovative AI solution for an even more efficient ERP system

Some are wary of it, others are excited about how artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) will affect business in the future. However, it is already evident that some AI solutions integrated into the ERP system can help reduce expenses and increase revenues. Read on, we show you some AP4 DIGITAL ideas for the development of an ERP system combined with AI.

1. Rapid risk management in CRM with AI solutions

The built-in AI solutions of the ERP system analyze the reliability of potential partners in real time based on data entered into CRM and public company information. Thus, they are able to protect the company not only from negative judgment, but also from possible litigation and serious material damage.

The ERP system, supplemented with AI solutions, also carries out the preparation of complex decision-making processes quickly, because it can replace the research work of a whole team of days or even weeks in minutes.

ERP integrated AI solutions

● filter out the privacy risks of the software you want to use,

● review the guidelines for the protection of intellectual property,

● indicate if the potential partner has violated the rules of information security,

● eliminate business continuity risks arising from service outages.

Importantly, in truly effective risk management, AI solutions are only complementary, because responsible decision making definitely requires human intelligence.

2. AI solutions integrated into an ERP system to measure sustainability

As a result of climate change, sustainability is now becoming an increasingly important part of the manufacturing and supply processes.

The fact that a company is “green” can be an advantage or a disadvantage compared to competitors, therefore, with AI solutions integrated into the ERP system, it is possible to measure emissions and then reduce them.

The data collected by AI (e.g. CO2 emissions from delivery vehicles) can be compared on an annual basis or even on a monthly basis, so it will be more transparent in which areas intervention is needed.

3. MI solutions for traceable product management in ERP system

AI solutions can effectively manage complex inventory processes, which is why the ERP system is guaranteed to be transparent (blog post 39) exactly how many products are at each stage of the sale.

The AI used in an ERP system immediately detects if

● there is a sudden increase in demand for a product,

● the introduction of new products was successful,

● the supply chain is interrupted at some point.

Moreover, since the AI solutions of the ERP system also constantly monitor purchasing habits, they also help to optimize prices and compose successful marketing campaigns.

+1: Finding the best qualified new employee with AI solutions

An ERP system equipped with AI solutions saves implementation time for the company's HR department, and even the new employee can be onboarded sooner.

The software uses machine learning to analyze the resumes received and then excludes those that do not meet the expectations of the company.It also prioritizes the remaining applications, so only relevant candidates are already guaranteed a chance for a personal interview.

Later, the AI solution integrated into the ERP system can also filter out which employee would need further training, so the organizational knowledge remains constantly updated.

Are you looking for a turbo-charged ERP system with WHAT solutions? At AP4 Digital, we develop software that perfectly suits your business needs.

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